
Critique at Soft Water Studios.

Wednesday, October 30th, I conducted an art critique at Soft Water Studios, courtesy of sculptor Mark Aeling and painter Carrie Jadus. It was a modest turn out, but considering it was the first time, not bad at all. My idea of a critique is participatory, involving peers. Although we more or less followed the standard format for critiquing, the discussion was fluid, dynamic and spirited. There was a variety of media, techniques, styles and more. From traditional and semi-academic to outrageous, we explored the works in some depth, and through them, art itself.

  It was wonderful to see people talking fluently about art, face to face. It was a shared educational experience for all of us, one I look forward to doing again, and next time I want to encourage collectors and art lovers alike to join us.

A special note of thanks to Carrie Jadus and Mark Aeling of Softwater Studios for involving me in this idea and making it happen. Every museum and major institution recognizes the importance of community outreach and its benefits.
Wednesday, October 30th, I conducted an art critique at Soft Water Studios, courtesy of sculptor Mark Aeling and painter Carrie Jadus. It was a modest turn out, but considering it was the first time, not bad at all. My idea of a critique is participatory, involving peers. Although we more or less followed the standard format for critiquing, the discussion was fluid, dynamic and spirited. There was a variety of media, techniques, styles and more. From traditional and semi-academic to outrageous, we explored the works in some depth, and through them, art itself.

  It was wonderful to see people talking fluently about art, face to face. It was a shared educational experience for all of us, one I look forward to doing again, and next time I want to encourage collectors and art lovers alike to join us.

A special note of thanks to Carrie Jadus and Mark Aeling of Softwater Studios for involving me in this idea and making it happen. Every museum and major institution recognizes the importance of community outreach and its benefits.

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