
And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually

Another lovely Friday with horrific weather - unbelievable wind with sideways rain and its getting dark (only 1600hrs!). Scotland in winter is great...

We certainly can't be accused of being bored this week. Everything led up to our presentation on Wednesday to the Banchory Town Improvement Group. This is where we did the big reveal of our proposed artwork for Scott Skinner Square. Thankfully, things went really well with strong positive feedback from those who spoke. Needless to say it's been a stressful week and we are glad it's all done for now.

Next stage is to get all this artwork built up from sketches to full working drawings in conjunction with the engineer (Neil Dely from Buro Happold) and principle architect (Derek McWilliams from Aberdeen City Council). These guys are good - we're looking forward to working with them.

With these in place we will do a public exhibition of the proposal and take it from there...

Anyhow, back to Friday and back to the weather. Think its time to make ourselves feel summery and there is no better way to do this than with beaches and sandcastles. So the pic is from a very talented sandcastle builder Calvin Seibert - lots of interesting geometry in his work.

While we were working at Aldourie we met another amazing sand artist Delayne Corbett where he did a replica model of the castle. He works on mahoosive pieces - see his pics from Kuwait where he is just now. Top bloke too...

Oh well, just another 6 months or so till summer... - FIN

Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made Of Sand
Axis: Bold As Love (1967)

Another lovely Friday with horrific weather - unbelievable wind with sideways rain and its getting dark (only 1600hrs!). Scotland in winter is great...

We certainly can't be accused of being bored this week. Everything led up to our presentation on Wednesday to the Banchory Town Improvement Group. This is where we did the big reveal of our proposed artwork for Scott Skinner Square. Thankfully, things went really well with strong positive feedback from those who spoke. Needless to say it's been a stressful week and we are glad it's all done for now.

Next stage is to get all this artwork built up from sketches to full working drawings in conjunction with the engineer (Neil Dely from Buro Happold) and principle architect (Derek McWilliams from Aberdeen City Council). These guys are good - we're looking forward to working with them.

With these in place we will do a public exhibition of the proposal and take it from there...

Anyhow, back to Friday and back to the weather. Think its time to make ourselves feel summery and there is no better way to do this than with beaches and sandcastles. So the pic is from a very talented sandcastle builder Calvin Seibert - lots of interesting geometry in his work.

While we were working at Aldourie we met another amazing sand artist Delayne Corbett where he did a replica model of the castle. He works on mahoosive pieces - see his pics from Kuwait where he is just now. Top bloke too...

Oh well, just another 6 months or so till summer... - FIN

Jimi Hendrix - Castles Made Of Sand
Axis: Bold As Love (1967)

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