
Four Mistakes That Everyone May Make at an Early Age

You see, we all make mistakes in life. Maybe, you spend more money than you have on a car, or you missed a great job offer; or you didn't work as hard as you could in school. This is a part of your life where we learn from. But, there are certain mistakes that are better made when you're still young and have enough time to make up. What I mean is definitely not that you should go out to make those mistakes. But, the earlier you made them, the more you can learn from them lest they destroy your life.

Getting a wrong career. Wouldn't you hate to discover that you hate what you do for a living when you are 45 years old? This is a reality that many people face and it's difficult to fix. You know, it's easy to open up a new world if you find yourself hate your career at your 23rd birthday. Working for the same company until retirement has already passed. You can change your job to see which field suits you. When you are young no longer, hunting a new job as you like is not an easy thing. You must consider your family, retirement, difficulties in starting all over, and many things that many young people don't need to tackle at their 20's.Marrying a wrong person. Divorce rates are quite high in America. Other parts of the world aren't doing too much better either. While everyone gets divorced for their own reasons. But I believe everybody agree that it's better to find out that the person with you is wrong for you sooner than later. Hopefully you find out whether the person is right for you before tying the knot because 50% of the first marriage end in divorce.Messing up your credit. Ruining your reputation can never be a good idea. It can make a great difference in your future even you are young. The only difference between losing credibility in your youth and in your old age is that you still have time to win it again. It takes 7~10 years to rebuild your credit if you have a history of late payments, loan defaults, foreclosures, or bankruptcy. In these 7~10 years, it's hard for you to finance anything unless you get a co-signer or put down a substantial down payment. Most people tend to buy something big like house or dream car when they get older. If you get bad credit, you have to kiss them goodbye.Making bad investment. If you invest for your pension, making bad investment means living a hard life. Whether you do it yourself or pay someone to finance, the earlier you invest, the stronger your risk-taking ability is. You can recover after a setback if you invest in stocks or real estate. The earlier you do, the better it withstand fluctuations, and finally it can end in a positive return at soon.A sharp mind roots a sound body. Whether you are a little overweight, obese even out of shape, you can get professional health tips from if you are interested in staying in good shape. Rate this Article

Four Mistakes That Everyone May Make at an Early AgeNot Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 53 articles. Article submitted on October 31, 2013. Word count: 490

When attempting to hit your goals it is important that you avoid the common mistakes that bring about failure. Read this article to discover what they are and learn how to avoid them.

Written by: Anthony Carter

Success means different things to different people. How is success different from significance? In general terms, success is making satisfying steps towards the direction of the future you envision. Success can also be defined as the completion of anything intended.

Written by: Bheki Shabangu

Dear Reader As for as the Question of happiness in your life then it depend on your thinking view, that from where you see your life, mean which thing make you happy in your life etc.

Written by: Yogesh Kumar

Each one of us has within us many different voices, or selves or what are sometimes referred to as sub-personalities. What we are talking about here are the many different aspects of our "self" that go to make up the whole thing that we conventionally refer to as "me".

Written by: Stephen Warrilow

You see, we all make mistakes in life. Maybe, you spend more money than you have on a car, or you missed a great job offer; or you didn't work as hard as you could in school. This is a part of your life where we learn from. But, there are certain mistakes that are better made when you're still young and have enough time to make up. What I mean is definitely not that you should go out to make those mistakes. But, the earlier you made them, the more you can learn from them lest they destroy your life.

Getting a wrong career. Wouldn't you hate to discover that you hate what you do for a living when you are 45 years old? This is a reality that many people face and it's difficult to fix. You know, it's easy to open up a new world if you find yourself hate your career at your 23rd birthday. Working for the same company until retirement has already passed. You can change your job to see which field suits you. When you are young no longer, hunting a new job as you like is not an easy thing. You must consider your family, retirement, difficulties in starting all over, and many things that many young people don't need to tackle at their 20's.Marrying a wrong person. Divorce rates are quite high in America. Other parts of the world aren't doing too much better either. While everyone gets divorced for their own reasons. But I believe everybody agree that it's better to find out that the person with you is wrong for you sooner than later. Hopefully you find out whether the person is right for you before tying the knot because 50% of the first marriage end in divorce.Messing up your credit. Ruining your reputation can never be a good idea. It can make a great difference in your future even you are young. The only difference between losing credibility in your youth and in your old age is that you still have time to win it again. It takes 7~10 years to rebuild your credit if you have a history of late payments, loan defaults, foreclosures, or bankruptcy. In these 7~10 years, it's hard for you to finance anything unless you get a co-signer or put down a substantial down payment. Most people tend to buy something big like house or dream car when they get older. If you get bad credit, you have to kiss them goodbye.Making bad investment. If you invest for your pension, making bad investment means living a hard life. Whether you do it yourself or pay someone to finance, the earlier you invest, the stronger your risk-taking ability is. You can recover after a setback if you invest in stocks or real estate. The earlier you do, the better it withstand fluctuations, and finally it can end in a positive return at soon.A sharp mind roots a sound body. Whether you are a little overweight, obese even out of shape, you can get professional health tips from if you are interested in staying in good shape. Rate this Article

Four Mistakes That Everyone May Make at an Early AgeNot Rated Yet

Sophie Gong has published 53 articles. Article submitted on October 31, 2013. Word count: 490

When attempting to hit your goals it is important that you avoid the common mistakes that bring about failure. Read this article to discover what they are and learn how to avoid them.

Written by: Anthony Carter

Success means different things to different people. How is success different from significance? In general terms, success is making satisfying steps towards the direction of the future you envision. Success can also be defined as the completion of anything intended.

Written by: Bheki Shabangu

Dear Reader As for as the Question of happiness in your life then it depend on your thinking view, that from where you see your life, mean which thing make you happy in your life etc.

Written by: Yogesh Kumar

Each one of us has within us many different voices, or selves or what are sometimes referred to as sub-personalities. What we are talking about here are the many different aspects of our "self" that go to make up the whole thing that we conventionally refer to as "me".

Written by: Stephen Warrilow

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