

Government shutdown and the Attack on the Arts.

Subject: BREAKING: Govt Shuts Down the Arts


October is National Arts and Humanities Month and how does the federal government celebrate? By closing the doors of federally funded museums, parks, zoos and delaying the distribution of NEA grants that enrich our communities.
Today is only a snapshot of what the 49% cut to the NEA could mean for our communities. As arts advocates, we cannot stand by and let this happen! In response, the Arts Action Fund is extending our petition to deliver even more names to Congress. We have a goal of 10,000 new signers by October 31st and we need your help to achieve it.
Will you send our petition to 5 of your friends?
The Arts Action Fund needs your support to make sure we not only bring a unified voice of petition signers to Capitol Hill, but also help elect a pro-arts Congress. By contributing to the Arts Action Fund PAC right now, you are helping to ensure we have a Congress that will not view the arts as an item on the chopping block.
It only takes a few minutes to play your part in electing a pro-arts Congress.
Together, we will keep the pressure on Congress to make sure the arts get the funding they deserve for 2014.

Nina Ozlu Tunceli
Executive Director

P.S. Thanks in advance for considering donating to the Arts Action Fund PAC. We need your support today more than ever before!

 Thank you, Mitzi Gordon at Articulate for sending this to us.

--- Luis

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