

You could wait for a lifetime to spend your days in the sunshine

Al and I have just returned from a few days R&R with some mates in Gdańsk, Poland. We did drink a few vodkas and eat a few Polish culinary specialities (take that as you wish!) and it was great catching up with friends and having a laugh together.

I didn't really plan on taking many photos and didn't shoot many but it had some quite beautiful buildings and a rather splendid promenade (in nearby Sopot) which encouraged me to take the camera out of the bag. I've attached a few pics below from both Sopot and St. Mary's Church, Gdańsk.

If you are lucky/unlucky enough to know us (delete as appropriate) and come and visit then you are pretty likely to be offered our favourite drink - Zubrowka and apple juice...see you soon? - FIN

Oasis - Cigarettes & Alcohol
Definitely Maybe (1994)

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